Monday, June 22, 2009

I LOVE the Jonas Brothers (I'm Serious)!

No kidding! I've got a new favorite band: the Jonas Brothers!

And although these guys can play (I mean, they really CAN!), they can also act! I have never laughed so hard than when I've watched one of their short skits. Awesome stuff!'ve got the curly-haired Jonas who sort of plays the role of "go between" -- he's the most confused, I guess, of the three, and always takes it while never dishing it out. The one thing I don't understand, though, is how he ended up going bald down the middle at such an obvious young age...

Number two Jonas is clearly the "ring leader" and is continually putting the other two Jonas' in their place. I know these guys are considered heartthrobs, but I don't how this one managed that status with his stark "bowl" haircut...

And finally, there's the stout Jonas who seems like he was born stout, bald, and insane! He's by far the funniest one of the three, and he really makes the trio click. He's by far my favorite Jonas brother, and he should be yours as well!

Well, I'm just about to enjoy another great skit by these incredible young men, the Jonas Brothers!

P.S. Ignore the name given to these gents at the beginning of this skit. Although SOME might consider the Jonas Brothers to be just a bunch of pathetic, boring, talentless "stooges", not I! I'm a real fan! Really! I promise!

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