Monday, July 20, 2009

Video Tune of the Week for 07/20/09 -- King's X, Pray

As some of you know, one of my all-time favorite bands is King's X. I did a many-part review of King's X on my old blog, at the end of which I decided they were done. But that was before XV, the most recent album and from which this video is taken.

These guys are fab as far as I'm concerned. That bass is a 12-string, by the way, and Doug Pinnick gets an awesome tone out of it. I'm glad he's playing it again!

I should also make sure to let you know that I've seen these guys live a few times now, and they sound EXACTLY like they do on the CD. All three guys sing, and they don't dub over in their recordings. And when Pinnick plays his 12-string, they don't need a rhythm guitar when Ty's doing his leads. It's really something to see them live, I'm telling ya.

Make sure to click that HQ button!

Okay, I gotta go. The next 30 days are really important to the folks who live in this apartment and I'm busier than ever.

Until next week,
The Educated Fool

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