Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Video Tune of the Week for 07/27/09 -- King's X, Dogman

This'll be a quicky (man, I'm getting tired of not having much time to write -- looking forward to a life if I can find one in the next few months).

I found this video of King's X on YouTube -- a performance on the Jon Stewart Show. I didn't know they had made it big enough to make these sort of appearances. They've always struggled, regardless of their talent and their first six albums' label (Atlantic).

This made-for-TV recording blows, by the way. King's X has a truly bigger-than-life sound in person. I can't even hear Jerry Gaskill's (drummer) voice.

Dogman grooves big time. The whole album. It introduced a sound for them that was pretty new, including a much dirtier distortion sound.

Okay, I'm off for now. Until next week,
The Educated Fool

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